Anwesha Mishra
6 min readFeb 25, 2021


It is said that a typical human only uses 10 percent of his/her brain capacity within their lifetime. Imagine what is going to happen if the entire power is used!

Human beings are amusing creatures. Every action and each little doing tells us how unique we are. There are things about humans and their behaviour that also manage to amaze the foremost popular psychologists and stun them. There’s such a mystery about us — about the various organs, about the way we expect , the way we behave, etc. The surprising element of the human organs is the brain. It is so amazingly complex then deep that no human has understood it’s true power so far . It is said that the typical human only uses 10 percent of his/her brain capacity within their lifetime. Imagine what is going to happen if the entire power is used! So, here are 20 Psychological facts about human beings.

•Your mind rewrites monotonous speeches of boring people to make it sound interesting.
We all have come across more boring people than the interesting ones. However, a person seems boring to us only when our interests don’t match or dissent. We cannot stand a boring person. So to mend that, our mind rewrites monotonous speeches delivered by these very boring people so as to make it sound interesting.

•Stress Cardiomyopathy
All of us have experienced heartbreak, at least once in our entire lifetime. Heartbreak has become a common thing now. Be it a break up with our partner or the loss of a loved one, heartbreak can be instigated by a slight change in affection or the experience of dejection. Stress Cardiomyopathy is a condition, stated forward by Psychologists and Scientists, where a person is believed to die apparently from a heartbreak.

•When you think about your problems from a third person perspective, you tend to find fast and effective solutions.
Waking up to the golden Sun is non fictional. We wake up to work stress, study pressure or miscellaneous tensions of life. And hence, our lives are not much about ‘living in the moment’ but about ‘tackling problems’. We all want quick and instant solutions to our problems. Problems lead to overthinking. However, if we analyse our problems through a third person’s perception, we tend to find effective and efficient solutions to them, claimed researchers.

•Singing and dancing reduces stress and Anxiety to a greater extent.
Stress and Anxiety are some common Psychological problems experienced by every second person. However, studies have concluded that extra curricular activities like singing and dancing can help drop the level of stress and deal with anxiety to a great extent.

•98% of the time when someone says they have to ask you a question, you recall all the bad things you’ve done in the past.
How do you comprehend the statement “We need to talk.”? Obviously, your mind starts to think about all the mistakes you have or might have committed in the past or all the wrongdoings you have done to a person. Hence, it was found out that almost 98% of the time when someone says they have to ask you a question, you recall all the bad things you’ve done in the past, irrespective of whoever the person is.

•Scientists claim that internet trolls are narcissistic, sadistic and psychopathic in nature.
The Internet is a vast world of different aspects. The internet world is filled with people who create art or generate business, who appreciate the former and support them. Also, a third category of people exists majorly. They’re the internet trolls who mock and joke about the first and second category of people. Scientists claim that these trolls are narcissistic, sadistic and psychopathic in nature. Hence, the resulting behaviour.

•The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. So negativity weakens your immunity system and you feel sick.
Your mind and body work in a synchronised manner and are co-dependent on each other. Hence, the cells in your body react to everything your mind says. Breeding negativity and pessimism in your mind leads to a weakened immune, making you feel sick.

•People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, upfront and honest with their friends.
Swearing and using cuss words in our daily sentences have become a very common thing. But people who swear a lot are found to be more loyal, upfront and honest with their friends regarding everything.

•There are 400 distinct phobias well recognised by psychologists.
All of us are phobic to one thing or the other. While some of us are freaked out by the presence of a mere spider in our room, there are people who experience more than just fright just by being inside a close room. Psychologists have found and recognised around 400 distinct phobias and have a term for every single phobia.

•The type of music we listen to affects the way you perceive about the world.
People have varied taste in almost everything. Choice and preference of music varies from individual to individual. The type of music one listens to affects the way her/his perceptions about the world. Someone who listens to slow and soft music perceives the world as a calmly functioning space, while the one who listens to rock metal has a very aggressive and passive perception about the world.

•270 scientists reran 100 studies published in the top Psychology journals in 2008. Only half the studies could be replicated successfully.
Re-creating the same environment and picking people of the prescribed characteristics is a difficult job since every individual is unique. However, 270 scientists re conducted 100 studies published in the top Psychology journals in the year 2008, and only half of them could be replicated successfully.

•The brain treats rejection like physical pain, according to scientists.
If asked, people would claim that rejection is the worst of all the feelings in the world. None of us like rejections, no matter how common they are or how predictable they might be. According to scientists, the brain treats rejection just like physical pain.

•Erotomania is a Psychological disorder in which the affected people believe that a famous personality is in love with them.
Celebrity crushes are a common thing among people. Admiring the celebs for their handsome charms and good looks is a very natural thing. Some people are obsessed about the celebs, and their mind tricks them into thinking that they are being loved back by their respective celebrity crush. This Psychological disorder is known as Erotomania, where the affected person believes that a celebrity or a famous personality is in love with them.

•68% of the people suffer from Phantom Vibration Syndrome, the feeling that one’s phone is vibrating when it is actually not.
Phantom Vibration Syndrome is a very common thing. It’s the feeling that one’s phone is vibrating when it is actually not.

•Religious practices like prayers, attending services are associated with lowering Psychological stress.
Some people indulge into spiritual and religious practices to deal with their Psychological plights. Studies have shown that religious practices like prayers or attending services have been associated with lowering the levels of Psychological stress.

  • Hallucinatory voices are seemed to be shaped by local culture. In the US, the voices are harsh and threatening while those heard by Schizophrenics in Africa and India tend to be more benign and playful.
    Auditory hallucinations are claimed to be shaped by local cultures. While in the US, the voices are rough and volatile, the ones heard by Africans and Indians seem to be playful and mischievous.

•Severe depression can cause us to biologically age more by increasing the aging process in cells.
Depression is counted amongst one of the most serious Psychological problems. Severe depression has been found to trigger the aging process in cells and make us age biologically more.

•Crying makes you feel better, reduces stress and shapes a healthy body.
Crying has been concluded as an act of letting go of our emotional vehemence and baggage. Crying helps in providing relief both to the mind and body. No matter how draining the process is, the aftermath is relieving.

•Around 6% of the people have narcissistic personality disorder, where they show high self importance while lacking empathy.
All of us have encountered stern narcissists in our lives. Psychologists have found out that around 6% of the people possess narcissistic personality disorder, in which they show high self importance while revealing the lack of empathy.

•Living in sight of water can make you calmer, happier and more creative, a study found.
Water bodies like oceans and lakes are generally associated with the idea of calm and peacefulness. A study found out that living in sight of water can make you calmer, happier and more creative.



Anwesha Mishra
Anwesha Mishra

Written by Anwesha Mishra

Finding my way out with words.

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