Since early childhood we have been told to centralize all our attention towards one sector and that is “achieving success in life”. All of us have been constantly nagged to not let our primary focus deviate from attaining success. During these constant and concurrent nagging sessions, we have baked our minds to chase success in life irrespective of anything and everything. We have loaded ourselves with books on success, our playlists are flooded with podcasts of motivational speakers so that our attention is never shifted, our notebooks are scribbled with quotations by successful people like Mark Twain, Grandma Moses, Ronald Reagan, Steve Jobs, etc., to keep the motivation alive, our walls have posters of successful people and our calendars are full of goals and/or tasks to achieve in order to be success. Whenever we have approached our mentors or coaches, we have been told “bona fide” factors which can lead us towards the path of success. So, what exactly is this heavily sought-after thing?
The internet is filled with umpteen number of definitions of the afore-mentioned word. There are infinite number of articles written by people to elaborate more on the idea. There are unlimited books describing the journey of success written by unlimited people. But do we realize that success is subjective? The definition varies from individual to individual and goes hand in hand. So, what exactly is the definition of success?
Google defines success as “the accomplishment of a task or an aim”. Well, what’s there to disagree? Nothing.
The central argument is not to focus on the definition of success but on the process of attaining success. We are so targeted towards cutting down the tree into halves that we almost forget to sharpen our axe. The journey towards the dimension of success is not a cake walk. The road to success passes via the town of failure. You have to go through the latter in order to reach the former. No matter how many books you read on a daily basis, how many podcasts you listen to, how many quotations you scribble on the wall, it is not going to happen until and unless you get up from that comfy couch, pull up your socks, buy the tickets and board the train. If not, you will end up laying sluggishly on your couch watching other people enjoying the scenic view of their respective destinations while you would be envying their journey.
Yes, the road to success starts from you. We have taught since an early age that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. And we have also been told that “the light at the end of the tunnel might be another train.” But how do we come to a conclusion if we don’t get up and see it for ourselves?
No matter whatever ideas you implement or whatever plans you execute, it is not going to happen unless and until you carry them out with constant and congruent motivation. No, you cannot ever witness the scenic sunset unless you walk up to your balcony instead of lazing on your bed. It all depends on you. No, you won’t ever achieve success unless you stop chasing after the destination and start focusing on the journey. Success depends on “YOU”. Your success is measured by how much you have worked and invested for it.